News Coverage


Sonoma County Probation Officer Receives APPA’s Line Officer of the Year Award
Ermelinda Miramontes Honored with American Probation and Parole Association's 2021 Scotia Knouff Line Officer of the Year Award

Ermelinda Miramontes, Deputy Probation Officer III from Sonoma County Probation, was honored as a 2021 recipient of the American Probation and Parole Association’s Scotia Knouff Line Officer of the Year Award. As one of the most competitive and prestigious practitioner awards offered by APPA, it honors probation, parole, or community corrections officers who have shown excellence and outstanding performance in their duties while providing hope, help, and accountability to their clients. 


CPOC Connects: Exchanging Inspired Ideas in Probation

CPOC Connects: Exchanging Inspired Ideas in Probation

CPOC hosted a conversation with seven California Chief Probation Officers on September 24, 2021, to delve into a conversation and exchange information about unique and promising programs in California Probation. The Chiefs highlight how program formation happens, the hurdles that often need to be overcome for new program implementation and why these programs and others like them are so important to increase sustainable safety in our communities by helping justice-involved individuals with a careful balance of services, treatment, accountability and opportunity.


Governor Newsom Appoints Probation Chief Kirk Haynes to Board of State and Community Corrections

SACRAMENTO – Governor Newsom announced his appointment of Fresno County Chief Probation Officer Kirk Haynes to the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC).

“I am deeply humbled to receive this appointment and recognition from the Governor,” said Haynes. “I believe my experience will be an asset as I serve in this position at the BSCC. I’m excited to begin my term as a member of the board and as a representative of the California probation profession.”


ICYMI: People on probation cook up new career skills in culinary arts program
Siskiyou County Probation partners with education to help provide job skills for justice-involved individuals

For the full article go to the Siskiyou Daily News

People on probation are getting a crash course in the culinary arts, helping them prepare for new careers in food services.

The program — a collaboration between Siskiyou County Probation and Dunsmuir Adult Education programs — teaches students about types of foods and their health benefits. 


CPOC Highlight: Marin County Probation’s 9 to 25 Coalition
Works to Create Shared Community Vision for Youth Outcomes

Marin 9 to 25 is a collective impact coalition that organically evolved from the work the Marin County Probation Department is doing with the Youth Reinvestment Grant. The core leadership team and backbone support for the initiative include members of the Board of Supervisors, County Administrator’s Office, Health and Human Services and health advocacy partners Blue Path Health and the list of participating agencies and coalitions continues to grow. 


Why Being on Probation in Napa County is a Privilege
A Client Letter to Napa County Probation

This Probation Services Week, we honor the life transformations made possible by the opportunity, hope, help and accountability probation provides. We are proud to highlight this story, and hear in the client’s own words how probation’s trained experts successfully manage trauma and other needs of the people they serve by connecting service and need to enhance safety and restoration — creating sustainable safety in the communities we serve.


ICYMI: LA County Probation: Probation Department program offers hope to youth
By Shirley Hawkins

From The Wave Publication

LOS ANGELES — David had a troubled childhood. His parents, who were both addicted to drugs, abandoned him when he was just 2. With no relatives to take him in and searching for the love and sense of belonging he had never received, David soon found himself falling in with the wrong crowd. Before long, he had joined his newfound friends in committing petty thefts.


Pretrial Program Highlight: Sonoma County Probation

Fred (not using his real name for privacy) had been having many challenges. He was repeatedly in and out of jail for drug use and property crimes. During multiple incarcerations he talked about changing his life and quitting drugs to reunite with his kids, as he had lost custody of his children due to meth use.

Earlier this year, following another arrest, he was released as a part of a Pretrial pilot program under the care and supervision of the Sonoma County Probation Department.


Fresno County Probation commemorates Crime Victims Rights Week

Fresno County Probation commemorates Crime Victims Rights Week

National Crime Victims’ Right Week (NCVRW) is an annual commemoration that promotes victims’ rights and services.

Each year, communities across the country revisit the history of the victims’ rights movement, celebrate the progress made, and recommit to further advancements in the crime victims field.

NCVRW helps to raise awareness of victims’ rights and services, highlighting programs, celebrating progress achieved, and honoring victims and the professionals who serve them. The 2021 NCVRW theme- Support Victims, Build Trust, Engage Communities.


CPOC Statement on Derek Chauvin Verdict

April 21, 2021 -  The Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) issued the following statement from President Chief Steve Sentman, in response to the guilty verdicts in the George Floyd murder trial: