News Coverage


Probation Chiefs Respond to Newly Released BSCC Data Showing Significant Decreases in Juvenile Detention Populations & Bookings
Juvenile Hall Population Decreased by Nearly One-Third Since February 23; Statewide Bookings Decreased by Nearly 55%

Sacramento, CA, April 27, 2020 – Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) released new data tracking the significant decrease in statewide bookings of juveniles and average daily population inside juvenile halls. Beginning February 23, 2020 through April 12, 2020, the data revealed a drop of 29.67% of the juvenile hall population and a drop of 54.56% of statewide bookings.


California Leading the Way on Reforms Recommended in the Latest Pew Research Study on National Probation and Parole Policies
California Probation has Long-Adopted Many of the Recommendations in Pew’s Latest Report with Proven Positive Results to Reduce Recidivism Rates

Sacramento, CA, April 23, 2020 – Today, The Pew Charitable Trusts released its new report entitled “Policy Reforms Can Strengthen Community Supervision” that included recommendations for states to enhance evidence-based policies. California probation has long been on the forefront having implemented many of the recommendations over the last decade.


ICYMI: Nearly 40 Fresno County low-level juvenile offenders set free to slow coronavirus spread
By Yesenia Amaro

From The Fresno Bee

Thirty-eight nonviolent juvenile offenders have been released this month from the Fresno County Juvenile Justice Campus to lower the risk of spreading the coronavirus, a probation official confirmed.

Chief Probation Officer Kirk Haynes said the releases followed court orders based on recommendations from the California Judicial Council.


California Probation Chiefs Statement on Protocols Dedicated to Keeping Probation Clients, Staff and the Community Safe

SACRAMENTO – For the past decade California probation has been on the front lines of innovation changing and influencing the culture and focus of community corrections.  Since the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic, county probation departments have been quickly adopting best practices to protect the health and safety of our probation clients, our staff and the community.


Chief Probation Officers Dedicated to Keeping Youth Under Supervision Safe During COVID-19 Pandemic
Following County and State Protocols and Taking Additional Measures to Ensure the Health and Safety for Youth and the Community

Sacramento, California, Saturday, March 21, 2020 — The safety and well-being of juvenile and adult clients, staff, and our communities is the top priority of County Probation Departments across the state. Probation Departments are vigilant and working closely with their county administrations, partners in public safety, in-house healthcare providers, County Departments of Public Health, California Health and Human Services Agency (HHS) and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to make decisions informed by the latest science-based information.


A Message from CPOC on COVID 19 Response

CPOC’s top priority is the well-being and safety of our staff, partners, probation departments and probation clients throughout California.

For this reason, we are changing the way we work and how we support California’s 59 Probation Departments due to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation.


Report: State Investment in Probation Associated with Lower Recidivism, Improved Safety

The California Probation Resource Institute (CaPRI) released a study conducted by respected expert Mia Bird who is a Visiting Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley and Ryken Grattet who is a Professor of Sociology at UC Davis.  The report, titled, “SB 678 Incentive-Based Funding and Evidence-Based Practices Enacted by California Probation Are Associated with Lower Recidivism Rates and Improved Public Safety,


Local Hero: Probation Officer Butch Hindman
Butte County Probation Officer & Camp Fire Hero is Officer of the Year Awardee

Butch Hindman and his team from Butte Probation & Chief Wayne Barley

“In the early morning hours, it became apparent that the Camp Fire was going to be unlike any incident anyone had experienced… [Deputy Probation Officer] Butch Hindman was not only one of those officers who responded, but in those early and, critical hours, he led teams of probation officers who drove into an area that people were desperate to flee.”

~Chief Wayne Barley, Butte County Probation 


SPOTLIGHT: Probation Officer Tiffany Stokes Receives Human Trafficking Awareness Month Award
California Probation embraces a human service approach toward supervision while focusing on components associated with an effective reduction in recidivism.

Probation Officer Tiffany Stokes of the Fresno County Probation Department was recognized by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) this past month for her invaluable work with the rehabilitation of human trafficking victims. She was recommended by a number of leaders in her local community who strongly commended her passion and dedication to the youth she works with on a daily basis.


California’s Historic Juvenile Justice Evolution
Led by Chief Probation Officers, California has seen a historic shift in how we serve youth referred to our justice system.

California should be proud of the evolution and success in the juvenile justice over the last decade. Led by Chief Probation Officers, along with the state and community-based agencies, California has seen a historic shift in how we serve youth referred to our justice system. California has reduced usage of local detention facilities by 60% and successfully serves 90% of youth in the juvenile justice system within our communities. 


SPOTLIGHT: “I wasn’t afraid of probation”
One Veteran’s Positive Journey Alongside Two Probation Officers

Probation embraces a human service approach toward supervision while focusing on the components associated with effective reductions in recidivism.

The Veterans Court in the Santa Barbara County Probation Department has successfully helped a client named Kevin. Kevin has completely changed his way of life and has consistently maintained a healthier lifestyle. Kevin was recently interviewed along with his current and former probation officers about how his journey and how the relationships built between client and officer helped achieve success:


Probation Chiefs Support Governor Newsom’s Proposal to Advance Proven Probation Practices

SACRAMENTO – The Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) announced their support for Governor Gavin Newsom’s budget proposal to advance proven practices by probation, tailor probation term length based on research and expand these practices to high risk misdemeanants.  The proposal will support adults on probation through the enhancement of best practices and alignment of some misdemeanor offenses with risk and need principles to improve public safety, reduce repeat offending, save taxpayer dollars, and increase the stability and success of people exiting probation.