Past Statewide Conferences
Announcing the Expert-Led General Sessions at the Supporting Excellence in Probation Conference!
Discover Our General Sessions for the Supporting Excellence in Probation Conference!
We are thrilled to highlight our 9 exciting general sessions for the Supporting Excellence in Probation: Strategies for Success Conference!
This gathering is designed to ignite innovation, inspire growth, and empower those committed to excellence in the probation profession. Immerse yourself in a series of nine transformative general sessions, each meticulously crafted to advance the field of probation. Limited spots are available but there is still time to register here.
Professor Jennifer Skeem Announced as a General Session Speaker!
More exciting news for our Supporting Excellence in California Probation: Strategies for Success conference attendees! We’re honored to announce a special general session led by Professor Jennifer L. Skeem, renowned UC Berkeley Professor of Public Policy and Social Welfare.
Coaching Model Expert Dr. Brian Lovins Announced as a General Session Speaker!
CPOC and CPOC Foundation are thrilled to announce that Dr. Brian Lovins, an expert in the field of criminology and probation, will be delivering one of the general session trainings at our upcoming Supporting Excellence in California Probation: Strategies for Success conference this June!
Breakout Session Topics Announced for the Supporting Excellence in Probation Conference
Get ready for an unforgettable experience at the Supporting Excellence in California Probation: Strategies for Success Conference! Our breakout sessions promise to be both informative and inspiring. But that’s not all – our general sessions will feature incredible speakers and panels led by both California probation leaders and national voices.