News Coverage


Success Story: “Probation put a wall between what I should be doing and what I shouldn’t”

Success Story: “Probation put a wall between what I should be doing and what I shouldn’t”

Erik Garduno’s life could have turned out differently.

The 30-year-old grew up in a good family. But the area where he lived was rough and he spent some of his time with the wrong crowd. As a result, a high school beer run gone wrong put him on a short probation stint, which turned out to be a good thing because it kept him away from bad influences and helped him figure out what he was – and wasn’t – supposed to be doing.

Press Release

Release: CPOC Foundation Hosts 2022 Foster Care Conference Focuses on Building Connections for a Better Future

SACRAMENTO, CA (May 25, 2022) – The Chief Probations Officers of California Foundation today wrapped up its Foster Care Conference, “Building Connections for a Better Future,” which annually brings together hundreds of staff from probation departments, child welfare, behavioral health departments, STRTP and FFA agency providers and community-based agencies to provide opportunities to explore ways to enhance services and supports for foster youth and families.

E-mail blast

Probation Provides a Bridge to Services for the Unhoused through a Lens of Accountability

Probation Departments throughout California are innovating to become a bridge and connector to services and supports for unhoused Californians, all through a lens of safety and accountability.  Read below about how Stanislaus County Probation and Placer County Probation are working to meet the needs of their communities to enhance safety, restoration and health.   


CBS 13 Highlights Placer County Probation Outreach Vehicle
Placer County Probation is Innovating to Enhance Safety by Increasing Access to Tools, Resources for Those in Need

Innovating to remove barriers for justice-involved people in Placer County, particularly the unhoused and those with transportation barriers, the Placer County Probation Department’s Probation Outreach Vehicle (POV) is out in communities working to bring services to the community and enhance safety and success for justice-involved individuals.

Watch this story from Velena Joes at CBS Sacramento.

Below is a portion of the story: 

Quarterly Newsletter

The Connector – March 2022
California Probation Creating Safer Communities Through Accountability & Opportunity

Puzzle piece showing how probation connects people to services and supervision

In this issue of The Connector, read stories of hope and inspiration of how California Probation is helping create safer communities by focusing on holding justice-involved individuals accountable while helping them transition out of the system permanently through transformative and evidence-based rehabilitation. Probation Departments are a connector in the justice system, interlacing and maximizing the resources available within our systems and communities to reduce recidivism by carefully balancing direct human services and research-based interventions.


Women’s History Month Webinar
Women Empowering Women: Celebrating Women Probation Leaders

Women’s History Month Webinar

Each March, Women’s History Month serves to reflect on the history of women in America and their contributions to our communities. We are proud of California probation’s diversity and gender equity in our officers, with 51% of deputy probation officers in California being women.

That diversity extends to ethnic diversity with 72% of deputy probation officers being non-white.


California Probation: A Common Sense Approach to Safety
Balancing Accountability with Opportunity Helps Create Sustainable Safety in Communities

California Probation: A Common Sense Approach to Safety

Check out the latest video from @Solano County Probation. Chief Chris Hansen talks about how probation offers accountability and opportunity to improve lives of justice-involved individuals and provides common sense safety to communities.

We also get to see and hear from probation clients and how Probation helped them get on a better pathway with a careful balance of direct human services and research-based deterrents and interventions. See how providing essential supports and bringing resources together helps shape stories of hope and makes us all safer. 


Chief Probation Officers of California Celebrates Black History Month

Chief Probation Officers of California Celebrates Black History Month

Each February, Black History Month serves to reflect on Black history in America. We are proud of probation’s diversity, equity, and inclusion, with more than 20% of deputy probation officers in California being African American. That diversity extends to gender (51% are women) and other races (72% of deputy probation officers are non-white). In this video, Chief Probation Officers of California are taking time to sit down with chiefs to discuss the importance of Black History Month.


Accountability can lead to recovery & healing: Anthony’s Story
A Powerful Story of Accountability with Opportunity & Healing

Accountability can lead to recovery & healing: Anthony’s Story

Watch Anthony’s powerful story of how accountability led to his path of recovery and healing.

Riverside County Probation proudly supports clients as they overcome challenges and regain their lives. After years of addiction, homelessness and family estrangement, Anthony was ready to change. He just didn’t know it yet.

It took a little tough love to nudge him in the right direction. Anthony’s daughter called his Probation Officer because she knew that may be the difference in saving her father’s life.