CPOC Highlight: Marin County Probation’s 9 to 25 Coalition
Works to Create Shared Community Vision for Youth Outcomes


Marin 9 to 25 is a collective impact coalition that organically evolved from the work the Marin County Probation Department is doing with the Youth Reinvestment Grant. The core leadership team and backbone support for the initiative include members of the Board of Supervisors, County Administrator’s Office, Health and Human Services and health advocacy partners Blue Path Health and the list of participating agencies and coalitions continues to grow. 

The goal of Marin 9 to 25 is to create a gathering space for all stakeholders to develop a shared vision of positive outcomes for youth that lives at a community level and not within the silo of one agency.  The team’s focus is to create increased transparency, sharing and communication amongst providers while engaging youths from ages 9 to 25 to drive the vision of how we ensure positive and equitable outcomes for youth. 

According to Probation Chief Marlon Washington, “Probation departments across the state are actively working to make positive changes to the juvenile justice system, but we know the best changes are those that result in youths never entering the system.” Marin County Probation has led the way for the Marin 9 to 25 movement through its embracing of evidenced based practices, innovative prevention programs and the “whole person care” mentality of staff when working with youth and their families.

The 9 to 25 Steering Committee intends to meet quarterly to discuss issues, opportunities, and ideas and is open to all members of Marin County. Action Work Groups will be established as the collective identifies areas of need. Current workgroups include a Youth Visioning Group, a Social Health Determinants group to review and support the implementation of shared technology platforms and a Payer Funding Group that is working towards sustainability for school wellness programs with a focus on how our private insurance partners can be a part of the with our local private insurer plans to 9 to 25 is just one way Marin County Probation Department is working to prevent incarceration through transformative and evidence-based programs.

Read more about Marin 9 to 25 on their website:  https://www.marincounty.org/depts/pb/9-to-25