CPOC On-Demand
CPOC Foundation On-Demand Training
CPOC Foundation’s On-Demand trainings are self-paced learning courses that can be completed at the participant’s convenience.
Important: New user must register with a package code. Contact your Training Manager or CPOC to request the package code.
Standard and Training Corrections (STC) Certified Courses
Please note that these courses have a tuition cost that will be billed to your agency after enrollment to any of the courses. Be sure to gain approval of your department/Training Manager prior to enrolling for any of these courses.
Courses include:
- Adolescent Brain Science (STC #05091036)
- Applying the Rules of Court to Sentencing Issues (STC #09774052)
- California Legislative Process (STC #00963411)
- Changes in Criminal Procedure Effective 2022: What Probation Officers Need to Know (STC #01597916)
- Crisis Intervention Skills and Fostering Resilience (STC #06321187)
- Felony Sentencing 101 (STC #03798651)
- Implementation Overview of New Laws 2025 – Adult (STC # 07385772)
- Implementation Overview of New Laws 2025 – Juvenile (STC # 00041146)
- The History of Realignment – Paving the Way to 2011 (STC #03611521)
- Title IV-E Candidacy Policies and Procedures (STC # 04671223)
- Understanding and Addressing Implicit Bias in the Justice System (STC #02692438)
- Understanding Mental Illness in Corrections (STC #03422124)
- Vicarious Trauma: Learning the Importance of Self Care (STC #06071336)
California Pretrial Series (STC Certified)
This six-part Pretrial Services Training series presented in partnership with Advancing Pretrial Policy and Research (APPR). This training series is designed for probation officers, superior court staff, judicial officers, and other pretrial service providers who are focused on the delivery of pretrial services.
Modules include:
- Introduction to Pretrial (STC #07936839)
- Before Arraignment (STC #00397566)
- Arraignment Hearing (STC #05425759)
- Pretrial Support, Part I (STC #03616382)
- Pretrial Support, Part II (STC #01658259)
- Measuring Performance (STC #00991577)
SB 823 Series (STC Certified)
The Chief Probation Officers of California Foundation partnered with Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice to deliver a training series to Probation Chiefs and probation staff. These On-Demand modules support a foundational framework for the local implementation of SB 823 that is focused on proven, successful evidence-based practices. Modules incorporate adolescent brain research and positive youth development with an emphasis on trauma informed practices, family engagement, and race, equity and inclusion.
Modules include:
- History of SB 823 and SB 92
- SYTF Core Elements for Court Orders & Court Report
- The Individual Rehabilitation Plan (IRP)
- Status Review Hearings
- Preparing for Re-entry
- Engaging Youth, Families and MDT Partners
- Working with Transition Age Youth
- Positive Incentive Behavior Programs
Foster Care Webinar Recordings (Non-STC)
Recordings of past webinars and CWS/CMS Training Aids
You can access select CCR webinar recordings on CPOC’s On-Demand platform. Note that these recordings are NOT STC certified. There are no costs to watch these recordings and no STC credit will be awarded.
Recordings include:
- California’s Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM)
- CCR NMD Housing Resources Toolkit
- CSEC Training: Housing and Services/Building Trauma-Informed Relationships
- CWS/CMS Training Aids
- Family Finding Legal Requirements
- Navigating the STRTP Process to Ensure Successful Placements of Foster Youth
- NMD Housing Resources Toolkit (NON STC)
- Session 1: CSEC Funding Opportunities
- Session 2: SB 794 Identifying At Risk Youth/CSE Victims
- Session 3: CSEC Harm Reduction
- SSI Webinar