Cost-Benefit Analysis
Evidence Based Adult Correction Programs: What Works and What Does Not (2006). Washington State Institute for Public Safety.
In 2006, the Washington State Institute for Public Policy reviewed Evidence Based Corrections Programs for Adults. This article provides estimates for changes in recidivism rates with use of specific programs as well as a brief summary of each. Included is information for programs for: drug involved offenders, offenders with mental illness and co-occurring disorders, general population, sex offenders, and domestic violence offenders.
Barnoski, R. (2009). Providing Evidence-Based Programs With Fidelity in Washington State Juvenile Courts: Cost Analysis. . Washington State Institute for Public Policy.
With the goal of determining the most cost-effective services for juveniles, the state of Washington reviewed five programs: Aggression Replacement Training, Coordination of Services, Functional Family Therapy, Family Integrated Transitions, and Multi-Systemic Theory. This article includes a brief description of each evidence-based program, the estimated cost per youth and the current quality control standards for Washington State Juvenile Justice Programs.
Vera Institute for Justice. Cost Benefit Knowledge Bank for Criminal Justice.
This Cost Benefit Analysis Toolkit provides detailed information on the six steps of cost benefit analysis (CBA): Determining whether a CBA is appropriate, assessing the impact of the initiative, measuring the costs of the initiative, measuring the benefits of the initiative, comparing costs and benefits, and communicating results. The website includes webinars regarding cost benefit analysis, including: Estimating Marginal Costs for Cost Benefit Analysis in Criminal Justice, Linking Evaluation and Cost Benefit Analysis in Criminal Justice, and Informing Criminal Justice Policy and Practice through Cost Benefit Analysis.