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Time to Register! CPOC & CPOC Foundation Statewide Conference 2024
Supporting Excellence in California Probation: Strategies for Success Conference

CPOC and CPOC Foundation are thrilled to announce the opening of registration for our upcoming statewide conference, Supporting Excellence in California Probation: Strategies for Success! This transformative training event aims to educate and elevate probation professionals throughout California, providing attendees opportunities to expand their knowledge, skills, and tools to enhance their probation work across the state.

The conference will delve into various topics, focusing on key areas of probation’s work, including:

  1. Support for foster youth in the juvenile justice system
  2. The juvenile justice continuum, including SB 823 implementation
  3. Working with adults in the justice system including: reentry, supervision, and connections to services
  4. Pretrial programs and services


Join us in Anaheim for this one-of-a-kind conference!

Dates: June 24-26, 2024

Conference Registration: Register HERE

Cost: $575 ($356.25 STC reimbursable)

Hotel Information – book your room today and save!

Anaheim Marriott
700 W Convention Way
Anaheim, CA 92802

Link to Reserve Room: Reserve HERE

Discounted Room Rate: $209 a night (not including local/state tax or fees)

The deadline to book under the discounted conference rate is June 2, 2024. Save money by booking your hotel stay today to take advantage of the discounted rate.

Schedule of Events

Sunday, June 23, 2024

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Welcome Reception (TBD)

Monday, June 24, 2024

8:00 am – 4:30 pm

General Sessions, Breakouts, Exhibitor Hall

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

8:00 am – 4:30 pm

General Sessions, Breakouts, Exhibitor Hall

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

8:00 am – 12:00 pm

General Sessions

STC’s pending approval for 19 STC hours

For more information contact please contact conference@cpoc.org.


San Bernardino Celebrates Probation Services Week 2019 with Officer Awards

San Bernardino celebrated Probation Services Week at their 5th Annual Probation Connection event.  This event offers training, break-out sessions, team building activities, and an employee recognition awards. The awards highlight the work of their officers and staff and the impact they have had on the clients they serve and the advancement of the probation mission. Below are the award recipients of those who have been recognized this year: 



Spotlight: Meet Rosemarie Salazar
From Juvenile Detention to Business Owner and Mother of Three

Probation is a unique bridge between the community and justice with many different stories to share.

Rosemarie Salazar was on probation in San Bernardino County as a youth. Years later she still remembers the Group Counselors, now known as Probation Officers whose mentorship helped get her life back on track. Probation is a unique bridge that connects high needs youth with the trained experts in probation to help individuals like Rosemarie get the skills they need to build a bridge back to the community and live healthy and positive lives.


Press Release
Key Findings in New California Department of Justice Report: Crime Rates are Down, and Number of Adults on Probation at a Thirty-Year Low

Sacramento, CA, July 5, 2019 – The California Attorney General Criminal Department of Justice Statistics Center released a report—Crime in California—that shows noteworthy progress has been made in California in regards to probation. The number of adult and juvenile arrest numbers in 2018 has significantly decreased and are at all-time lows. The report also points out that the overall crime rates throughout the state have decreased.


ICYMI: Riverside Probation: The Inspire Project
Research indicates the quality of the officer-client relationship is one of the largest predictors to success

Probation embraces a human service approach toward supervision while focusing on components associated with an effective reduction in recidivism.

The Inspire Project at the Riverside County Probation Department is designed to shine a positive light on clients who successfully terminate probation and have positively addressed rehabilitation goals. Inspire Project clients are those that while on probation, have completely changed their way of life and have consistently maintained a healthier lifestyle. This project also recognizes staff who are investing in them.


California Stands Out with Prison Revocation Reforms that Lead to Better Outcomes According to New National Report

The Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center released a national report—which shows significant progress has been made in California on the number of offenders returning to prison while on probation supervision. The report points out that the State of California stands above the rest with rates lower than the nationwide average.


ICYMI: Marin’s Wall of Change ceremony celebrates probationers’ success

From Marin Independent Journal 

At age 11, San Rafael resident Tylor Bruns started drinking. A year later he started taking pills. By age 20, Bruns was regularly shooting heroin.

“The only time I was able to stop using was when I was in handcuffs,” said Bruns, 26, one of 14 probationers honored Wednesday at the Civic Center in San Rafael and inducted into the probation department’s Wall of Change.


Tuolumne County Grand Jury heaps praise on juvenile hall staff, volunteers, programs

Youth at whiteboard in classroom

From The Union Democrat 

The Mother Lode Regional Juvenile Detention Facility received a glowing review from the 2018-19 Tuolumne County Civil Grand Jury in a new report.

The jury didn’t have anything negative to say about $20 million facility that started housing incarcerated youth in April 2017. According to the 10-page report, recidivism among young offenders in the county has dropped from 49 percent to 19 percent since the hall opened.


ICYMI: Sacramento County Probation Creates First-of-its-Kind Program for Youth
Sacramento Probation's multi-sensory de-escalation room increases safety for youth

Sacramento County’s multi-sensory de-escalation room is the first of its kind in a juvenile detention facility in the United States. This innovation creates a safe, trauma-informed environment that allows residents to de-escalate without use of force or an isolation room, which helps prevent violence and increases safety. This program is a 2018 California Association of Counties (CSAC) Challenge Award-winning program. CSAC Challenge Awards spotlight the most innovative programs in California Counties.


How one Mom rose to head of probation

Marcia Parsons, bottom left, poses here with her daughter, Julie Lavorato, top left, and her two granddaughters.

From the Salinas Californian

Not many women restart their career in their 40s, but Monterey County Chief Probation Officer Marcia Parsons did. And to her, it really wasn’t a big deal. 

Parsons worked in her early 20s as a probation officer but left to be a stay-at-home mom when she got pregnant with her daughter, Julie Lavorato. 


ICYMI: Managing juvenile offenders — the reality behind the rhetoric

By Judge Beverly Wood

From the Marin Independent Journal 

We all have seen many recent headlines about declining juvenile crime, ending juvenile detention, and re-fashioning the juvenile justice system. Those calls to action may be well-intentioned, but they don’t reflect a full understanding of what is involved in maintaining a successful system to serve and protect both our youth and our communities.


Probation Creating Pathways for Youth

Probation in California has helped lead an evolution of our Juvenile Justice system that has resulted in a historic shift in how we serve youth. California has reduced usage of our local detention facilities by 60% and successfully serve 90% of youth in the juvenile justice system within our communities. That is because Probation is dedicated to finding pathways for youth to thrive in a safe and healthy community. 


Sacramento Probation: Breaking the Cycle of Recidivism
Sacramento County's collaborative Career Training Partnership Program provides vocational and educational services for clients on probation. And perhaps more importantly, it provides these clients with hope.

Sacramento Probation: Breaking the Cycle of Recidivism

Sacramento County Probation’s Adult Work Project Program (AWP) is designed as an incentives and sanctions based program contributing to restorative justice, community restoration and meaningful pro-social engagement. 


Mother Lode Juvenile Detention Facility: Two Years Later

From MyMotherLode.com

Sonora, CA — It was two years ago this week that the Mother Lode Regional Juvenile Detention Facility opened, and Clarke Broadcasting requested the latest statistics related to the youth inmate population.

Chief Probation Officer Linda Downey reports that there have been 92 bookings over the past 12 months, 80 from Tuolumne County, seven from Calaveras, three from Amador and two from Mariposa.


California’s Historic Juvenile Justice Evolution
Led by Chief Probation Officers, California has seen a historic shift in how we serve youth referred to our justice system.

Authored by Chief Stephanie James and Chief Allen Nance

California should be proud of the evolution and success in our juvenile justice over the last decade. Led by Chief Probation Officers, along with the state and community-based agencies, California has seen a historic shift in how we serve youth referred to our justice system. California has reduced usage of our local detention facilities by 60% and successfully serve 90% of youth in the juvenile justice system within our communities.