Title IV-E Candidacy Policies and Procedures (STC # 04671223)
This self-paced course provides an overview of Title IV-E Candidacy policies and procedures with a focus on the CDSS/CPOC approved Title IV-E Pre-Placement Case Plan and Evaluation of Imminent Risk Tool. A portion of the training will also focus on how to complete a time study and allowable and unallowable activities.
Target Audience: This training is intended for probation officers and department staff who work on Title IV-E candidacy and are doing claiming or programming to include identifying who is a candidate and developing case plans.
Cost $50 ($37.50 STC Reimbursable).
2 STC Credits
STC # 04671223 (Electronic STC roster will be sent to your agency’s training manager within 45 days of course completion)
NOTE: Be sure to gain approval of your department/Training Manager prior to enrolling for this course.
NOTE: You have 60 days from time of enrollment to complete the course.