NMD Housing Resources Toolkit Webinar


Course Summary:
CPOC is partnering with the John Burton Advocates for Youth (JBAY) to develop a non-minor dependent (NMD) housing resources toolkit. This 1.5-hour webinar, presented by JBAY, will cover information from the soon-to-be released toolkit about the various foster care placements available to NMDs, along with practice tips on how to assist NMDs with identifying and selecting a placement and maintaining their housing. Participants will also learn how to assist NMDs transitioning out of care, including how to access housing programs for former foster and probation youth, identify housing vouchers and become familiar with the homelessness response system. This course will include information about the extended foster care and THP-Plus extensions made available in the FY 2020-21 budget to protect current and former NMDs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Targeted Audience: Those working in juvenile placement.

Instructor: Simone Turek Lee – Director of Housing & Health, John Burton Advocates for Youth

STC certification: 03069174 (1.5 hours)

Course fee: No charge for this course.

Platform: Zoom

Registration link: https://cvent.me/2KPZE2