Live Webinar – CCR Advanced Practice for Foster Care Placement
Class Full
California’s Continuum of Care Reform (CCR) has resulted in a
significant change in the delivery of services to youth and their
families involved in the juvenile probation system. This
4-hour webinar moves beyond the basics of CCR and provides a
condensed advanced training session that includes how the
juvenile probation placement process was enhanced by
the requirements of CCR and covers pre-placement responsibilities
to assist in preventing youth being removed from their
homes. This training will include a case vignette
from start to finish, capturing these duties along with the
transitional component to assist in the successful outcomes of
foster care youth. Topics such as wraparound services; findings
and orders; case plan reviews; Child and Family Teaming (CFT);
Interagency Placement Committee (IPC); searching,
securing, and preserving placements; Resource Family Approval
(RFA), and AB 12/extended foster care will be encompassed in this
Target Audience: This course is designed for case carrying
DPOs working in juvenile probation placement
units. Supervisors may also find this course
Instructor – Jim Amaral, Nevada County Probation Department
No charge for this course
STC Certification Number: 04229295