Foster Care Training: California’s Integrated Core Practice Model for Children and Youth – Sacramento
Interagency Training


Course Summary:

This 7.0-hour in-person cross-system training is intended to provide attendees with background, history, and practice-level content about California’s Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM) as it relates to the installation of both effective child and family practices, and to support interagency System of Care implementation under AB 2083.


Richard Knecht, Founder and Managing Partner at the Integrated Human Services Group
Rob Doty, CPOC Consultant/Retired Juvenile Division Director from Santa Cruz County Probation Department

Targeted Audience: Deputy Probation Officers, Supervisors, Department Analysts, Child Welfare, Children’s Behavioral Health, and other System Partners. 

No cost to attend this training. 

STC certification: 02501430 (7 STC Hours) 

For more information and registration use the following link: