Foster Care Fiscal Training Workshop Module 4: Funding and Supports for Youth in Extended Foster Care (EFC)


This course will provide an overview of foster care funding available for probation specific to extended foster care youth housing and additional resources. Participants will learn about the requirements to access funds for counties and extended foster care youth. The webinar participants will be exposed to various learning styles to maximize opportunities and apply the information they learn, through poll questions and group activities.

Target Audience: This training session is applicable to: Juvenile probation officers who identify the needs of the youth/families in foster care, supervisors and managers who can identify funding available to meet those needs of youth/families, and fiscal staff who complete their county’s claiming processes for foster care youth.  

Platform: Zoom

STC Hours: 2.5 (03302912)

This training will be a live recording with audience.

*Working webcam and microphone are needed to participate in this webinar. 

No cost to attend this training.
