Domestic Violence Core Training For Probation Officers – Sacramento
Converting to Virtual - Course Full
Probation Officers who supervise individuals convicted of
domestic violence offenses encounter issues that are not common
in other types of supervision caseloads. For example, these
Probation Officers interact more with victims, work directly with
Batterer Intervention Programs, and need to understand the unique
dynamics of interpersonal relationship violence. This two-day (16
hour) intensive, highly interactive, victim-centered
trauma-informed core training is specifically designed to enhance
the knowledge and skills of Probation Officers responsible for
the supervision of individuals convicted of domestic violence,
dating violence, and stalking. Topics include: understanding
victim and offender profiles and behavior; victim-blaming;
history of trauma and abuse; power and control issues; legal role
and authority of probation; restraining orders; domestic violence
courts; supervision techniques, including awareness about LGBTQ
issues; risk assessments; investigation issues; the expectations
and requirements of Batterer Intervention Programs;
evidence-based interventions and fidelity; data collection; and
secondary trauma and toxic stress.
Target Audience: This course is designed for
Probation Officers responsible for the supervision of individuals
convicted of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and
PC290 cases.
Due to high demand, we request that maximum of two participants attend from each county. Additional course offerings will be available.
Instructors: Nada Yorke, LCSW & Trista Sherfey, Placer County Probation
Location: Virtual – Zoom
Dates: September 21 & 22, 2021; 8:00am to 5:00 daily.
STC Cert # 07297763 (16 STC Hours)
No Cost to Attend this training
Registration Link: This course is full.