Lindsay Rosenthal

Profile Initiative Director, Ending Girls' IncarcerationVera Institute of Justice

Lindsay Rosenthal is the initiative director of Ending Girls’ Incarceration. She leads Vera’s efforts to end the incarceration of girls and gender expansive youth nationwide, by reforming punitive law enforcement practices and creating pathways to sustainable, in-community well-being, safety, and justice. Previously, Lindsay was a policy and advocacy fellow at the Ms. Foundation for Women. There, she co-authored, The Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: The Girls’ Story, a report exposing girls’ of color widespread incarceration in America as directly resulting from their status as victims of violence. Lindsay began her career working in direct service with girls in Florida’s child welfare and juvenile legal system. Lindsay served as a technical assistance provider for the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s National Girls Initiative and on New York City’s Young Women’s Initiative’s steering committee. Lindsay holds a BA from Florida International University and an MA from the University of Chicago.