Shasta County Probation Officer Receives Dedication to Excellence Award
Shasta County Probation Officer Jason Coulombe will be virtually honored with the Dedication to Excellence Award by the National Institute for Jail Operations on September 24th at their 2020 Conference.
Jason Coulombe was nominated due to his work on developing STC courses and curriculum for his department. He has worked on improving a number of STC documents that are posted on the BSCC website as examples for other probation departments, developed and certified the department force and weaponry course, and is currently working on the JDO course curriculum certification.
“Jason is an exceptional officer who is dedicated to the field of probation and process improvement,” stated Chief Probation Officer Tracie Neal. “He works hard each and every day and always goes above and beyond his duties. We are excited he received this national recognition,”
STC Rep Joyce Carrol informed Shasta County Probation of the National Corrections Professional Awards program as Jason works closely with the BSCC to improve STC processes and training for probation departments. Joyce and Susie collobrated together and chose “Dedication to Excellence” which awards officers that have gone above and beyond normal expectations by working extra hours and making the extra effort to ensure the safety and security of staff members, inmates, and the general public.