In Service to Victims: Strategies to Promote Healing and Restoration of Victims
Wednesday, June 26
10:00 AM-10:40 AM


Helping victims to heal is one of the core tenets of probation work that is often misunderstood by those outside of the justice system. Victim Services Centers offer unique opportunities to put victims’ needs front and center. Learn how to focus on the needs of victims through the Fresno County Probation Victim Assistance Center to help foster healing for victims and those who have inflicted harm on them.


  • Kirk Haynes, Chief Probation Officer, Fresno County Probation
  • Karen Roach, Assistant Deputy Chief Probation Officer, Fresno County Probation


  • Melinda Taylor, Senior Victim & Witness Advocate, Fresno County Probation
  • Luis Carbajal, Victim Witness Advocate, Fresno County Probation
  • Brandie Razo, Victim & Witness Advocate, Fresno County Probation
  • Mirna Garcia, Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) Speakers Bureau