Informational Workshop: SB 823 Implementation Reentry Services for Youth Exiting the Division of Juvenile Justice
August 19, 2022
This free webinar focuses on two programs that can provide needed assistance to youth and young adults exiting DJJ. Our first speaker will focus on a new program, the Transitional Housing for Youth Discharging from DJJ, administered by the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC). The Transitional Housing program currently has a Request for Information out to gather information from interested parties on who might be a willing organization(s) to contract with the state to provide housing assistance to youth/young adults exiting DJJ and are at risk of being homeless.
Our second speakers are from the Office of the Foster Care Ombudsperson and will outline the AB 12/Extended Foster Care services available to youth ordered to DJJ who were former foster youth and will highlight how county probation departments can help these young people reinstate their AB 12 status upon their return to their communities.
Watch here: