Foster Care Conference STC Roster Form
STC Credit
Are you from a Probation Department and need STC credits? Please
visit the STC Table near the Registration Desk to pick-up your
STC Roster Form or download
here before you arrive.
STC Credit
Are you from a Probation Department and need STC credits? Please
visit the STC Table near the Registration Desk to pick-up your
STC Roster Form or download
here before you arrive.
The CPOC Foundation is excited to announce the open registration for our 8th Annual Foster Care Conference, Advancing Opportunities: Empowering Youth and Families through Engagement to be held at the Anaheim Marriott on April 1-2, 2025. This event will provide opportunities to explore ways to enhance services and supports for foster youth on probation and their families.
Location: Anaheim Marriott, 700 W Convention Way, Anaheim, CA 92802