Chiefs Speak: Hear Probation Chiefs Highlight Impact of SB 678
Hear from California’s Chief Probation Officers about the incredible impact of SB 678 on our justice system and how it helped usher in a lasting culture shift in working with people to end the cycle of recidivism. Links below:
Historic Impact of SB 678: Jenna’s Journey
Impact of SB 678: Adult Probation
Historic Impact of SB 678: Changing Lives & Community Safety
Historic Impact of SB 678: Good Relationships is Good Public Safety
Historic Impact of SB 678: Critical Funding for Rural Counties
Historic Impact of SB 678: Reducing Recidivism
Historic Impact of SB 678: Day Reporting Centers to Make Change
Historic Impact of SB 678: Hearing From Clients
Historic Impact of SB 678: Building Relationships is Good Public Safety