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Time to Register! CPOC & CPOC Foundation Statewide Conference 2024
Supporting Excellence in California Probation: Strategies for Success Conference

CPOC and CPOC Foundation are thrilled to announce the opening of registration for our upcoming statewide conference, Supporting Excellence in California Probation: Strategies for Success! This transformative training event aims to educate and elevate probation professionals throughout California, providing attendees opportunities to expand their knowledge, skills, and tools to enhance their probation work across the state.

The conference will delve into various topics, focusing on key areas of probation’s work, including:

  1. Support for foster youth in the juvenile justice system
  2. The juvenile justice continuum, including SB 823 implementation
  3. Working with adults in the justice system including: reentry, supervision, and connections to services
  4. Pretrial programs and services


Join us in Anaheim for this one-of-a-kind conference!

Dates: June 24-26, 2024

Conference Registration: Register HERE

Cost: $575 ($356.25 STC reimbursable)

Hotel Information – book your room today and save!

Anaheim Marriott
700 W Convention Way
Anaheim, CA 92802

Link to Reserve Room: Reserve HERE

Discounted Room Rate: $209 a night (not including local/state tax or fees)

The deadline to book under the discounted conference rate is June 2, 2024. Save money by booking your hotel stay today to take advantage of the discounted rate.

Schedule of Events

Sunday, June 23, 2024

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Welcome Reception (TBD)

Monday, June 24, 2024

8:00 am – 4:30 pm

General Sessions, Breakouts, Exhibitor Hall

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

8:00 am – 4:30 pm

General Sessions, Breakouts, Exhibitor Hall

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

8:00 am – 12:00 pm

General Sessions

STC’s pending approval for 19 STC hours

For more information contact please contact conference@cpoc.org.


County offers virtual therapy to individuals on probation

By Mike Aldax in the Richmond Standard

The Contra Costa County Probation Department has announced a first-of-its-kind partnership with Talkspace to provide free virtual therapy to individuals who are on probation.

The new offering, set to launch Wednesday, “will allow clients under probation supervision to engage in therapy with a dedicated provider, matched based on individual needs,” according to County officials.


ICYMI:COMMUNITY KICK-OFF EVENT County Self-Assessment Launch

April 18, 2023: Deputy Chief Probation Officer, Brad Michnevich, presented at the Sonoma County Family, Youth & Children’s Services and Juvenile Probation County Self-Assessment launch event. This event begins the process, required every five years of assessing ways to improve services for achieving safety, permanency and well-being for families, youth and children.



May 2, 2023: Supervising Deputy Probation Officer, Bridget Beck, selected to speak on one of four panels during the Community Forum on Mental Health. The forum, put on by the Sonoma County Department of Health Services and the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, brought together service providers from across the county for a community conversation discussing crisis services, suicide prevention, substance use disorder treatment services, workforce development and more.


California Probation Connection Podcast Episode 8 is out now

Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) has released the eighth episode of their podcast, The California Probation Connection.

In this episode, we hear from the CPOC Award Winner for the 2022 Employee of the Year, Jim Schuette, and the Chief of Shasta County Probation, Tracie Neal, about how Shasta Probation transformed prevention efforts in the school system by assigning Schuette to duty.

Press Release

Chief Probation Officers of California Cautions that May Revise Budget Does Not Provide for Adequate Support for the Historic Realignment of High Needs Teens and Young Adults Transitioning from State Facilities (DJJ) to Local Facilities
DJJ Realignment Unlike Any Realignment the State has Ever Attempted with the Least Amount of State Support

Sacramento, California, May 12, 2023 – The Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) continues to highlight the need for better support from the state to best ensure safety and minimize disruption to the teens and young adults being transferred to local counties in this historic and never been done before realignment.


RS County Supervisors Affirm Appointment of New Probation Chief

By Pristine Villarreal in NBC Palm Springs

The Board of Supervisors Tuesday affirmed the appointment of a longtime probation officer to head the Riverside County Department of Probation, a decision he called “the highest honor” he’d ever received.

Wright takes over from former Chief Probation Officer Ron Miller, who retired last month after just over three and a half years in the position and several decades in law enforcement.


Empowering Justice-Involved Youth: Experts Discuss Solutions for Accessing Higher Education and Vocational Training

The Prison Education Program (PEP), The Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC), and Office of Youth and Community Restoration (OYCR) recently hosted an educational forum at Cal Poly Pomona to discuss ways to provide educational resources to justice-involved youth, especially in the context of the SB 823-DJJ Realignment. The half-day event brought together probation, juvenile justice, and educational experts to discuss solutions for justice-involved juveniles to access higher education and vocational training.

Press Release


Pomona, Calif. – May 8, 2023 – The Prison Education Program (PEP), The Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC), and Office of Youth and Community Restoration (OYCR) hosted a half-day educational forum at Cal Poly Pomona last Friday, May 5th. Panel presentations focused on how to provide academic and life-skills to juveniles and young adults in the justice system, as well as information about vocational training and higher education opportunities.


At Probation’s Youth Services Center, a ‘safe space’ to turn lives around

Moments after a ribbon-cutting, Solano County Chief Probation Officer Chris Hansen (left) and Fairfield Police Chief Dan Marshall on Thursday celebrate the official opening of the county Probation Department’s newly relocated Youth Services Center on Beck Avenue. (Reporter photo/ Richard Bammer)

The Vacaville Reporter by Richard Bammer 

Part of the Solano County Probation Department, the center, offering a variety of programs and services, from substance abuse and mental health services to education and resume-writing and interviewing skills, creates “a safe space that assists the youths in finding their strength — and so much more,” Nadia Holloman, a supervising deputy probation officer, said during a tour of the facility.

Quarterly Newsletter

The Connector Newsletter – April 2023
California Probation Creating Safer Communities Through Accountability & Opportunity

In this issue of The Connector, read stories of hope and inspiration of how California Probation is helping create safer communities by focusing on holding justice-involved individuals accountable while helping them transition out of the system permanently through transformative and evidence-based rehabilitation. Probation Departments are a connector in the justice system, interlacing and maximizing the resources available within our systems and communities to reduce recidivism by carefully balancing direct human services and research-based interventions.


Imperial County Probation Department opens third ASPIRE after-school program site in Niland

By Staff Reporter in The Desert Review

EL CENTRO – The Imperial County Probation Department’s Project ASPIRE opened its third program site, Thursday, April 20, in the community of Niland at Grace Smith Elementary School.  Project ASPIRE is an after-school program established by the Youth Services Division of the Department, according to a recent ICPD press release.  


Lake County Probation awarded grant to establish mobile service center

In Lake County News 

LAKE COUNTY, Calif. — The Lake County Probation Department has received a $220,638 grant to establish a mobile probation service center.

The grant will facilitate purchase of a vehicle to provide unhoused Probation Department clients access to all services, including remote court appearances, probation programs, check-ins with their officers, and access to service providers and partner agencies.