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Time to Register! CPOC & CPOC Foundation Statewide Conference 2024
Supporting Excellence in California Probation: Strategies for Success Conference

CPOC and CPOC Foundation are thrilled to announce the opening of registration for our upcoming statewide conference, Supporting Excellence in California Probation: Strategies for Success! This transformative training event aims to educate and elevate probation professionals throughout California, providing attendees opportunities to expand their knowledge, skills, and tools to enhance their probation work across the state.

The conference will delve into various topics, focusing on key areas of probation’s work, including:

  1. Support for foster youth in the juvenile justice system
  2. The juvenile justice continuum, including SB 823 implementation
  3. Working with adults in the justice system including: reentry, supervision, and connections to services
  4. Pretrial programs and services


Join us in Anaheim for this one-of-a-kind conference!

Dates: June 24-26, 2024

Conference Registration: Register HERE

Cost: $575 ($356.25 STC reimbursable)

Hotel Information – book your room today and save!

Anaheim Marriott
700 W Convention Way
Anaheim, CA 92802

Link to Reserve Room: Reserve HERE

Discounted Room Rate: $209 a night (not including local/state tax or fees)

The deadline to book under the discounted conference rate is June 2, 2024. Save money by booking your hotel stay today to take advantage of the discounted rate.

Schedule of Events

Sunday, June 23, 2024

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Welcome Reception (TBD)

Monday, June 24, 2024

8:00 am – 4:30 pm

General Sessions, Breakouts, Exhibitor Hall

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

8:00 am – 4:30 pm

General Sessions, Breakouts, Exhibitor Hall

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

8:00 am – 12:00 pm

General Sessions

STC’s pending approval for 19 STC hours

For more information contact please contact conference@cpoc.org.


CPOC Announces New Podcast: The California Probation Connection

Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) Foundation has released the first episode of their new podcast, The California Probation Connection.

CPOC is thrilled to share the launch of our new podcast, The California Probation Connection, hosted by CPOC executive director, Karen Pank.


CPOC Honors Statewide Officers and Staff Who Keep Our Communities Safe in Celebration of Probation Services Week 2022
Probation Services Week Commemorates the Work of Probation Professionals Throughout California

Sacramento, CA, July 18, 2022 – This week, the Chief Probation Officers of California (CPOC) announced this year’s annual Probation Services Week, taking place from July 17 – July 23, 2022, to honor probation professionals who work to keep communities safe.

Press Release

Release: Juvenile Justice Youth Raps about the Constitution to Win this Year’s Law Day Contest

The Santa Clara County Superior Court Law Day Contest, sponsored yearly by the Court’s Community Outreach Committee and the Santa Clara County Bar Association, added something special this year … music. Every year the Court Outreach Committee and the Bar sponsor contests allowing students to express themselves creatively within the Law Day theme. While traditionally, the Law Day contest has involved essays, poetry, or posters – this year, the contest added a video option, with submissions made through YouTube or Tik Tok. 



Two Butte County Probation Officers Save Person from Overdose
Two Officers used Naloxone to Save the Life of a Citizen During a Community Event

In Butte County Probation Department Facebook Page

Officers Lisa Carrillo and George Wise were assisting the California Highway Patrol with security at the Silver Dollar Fair.

During their shift, they observed a young man who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances and was possibly suffering from a medical crisis.

The officers made contact with the individual and suspected he was suffering from an opioid overdose. The young man ultimately became non-responsive.


Success Story: “Probation put a wall between what I should be doing and what I shouldn’t”

Success Story: “Probation put a wall between what I should be doing and what I shouldn’t”

Erik Garduno’s life could have turned out differently.

The 30-year-old grew up in a good family. But the area where he lived was rough and he spent some of his time with the wrong crowd. As a result, a high school beer run gone wrong put him on a short probation stint, which turned out to be a good thing because it kept him away from bad influences and helped him figure out what he was – and wasn’t – supposed to be doing.

Press Release

Release: CPOC Foundation Hosts 2022 Foster Care Conference Focuses on Building Connections for a Better Future

SACRAMENTO, CA (May 25, 2022) – The Chief Probations Officers of California Foundation today wrapped up its Foster Care Conference, “Building Connections for a Better Future,” which annually brings together hundreds of staff from probation departments, child welfare, behavioral health departments, STRTP and FFA agency providers and community-based agencies to provide opportunities to explore ways to enhance services and supports for foster youth and families.

E-mail blast

Probation Provides a Bridge to Services for the Unhoused through a Lens of Accountability

Probation Departments throughout California are innovating to become a bridge and connector to services and supports for unhoused Californians, all through a lens of safety and accountability.  Read below about how Stanislaus County Probation and Placer County Probation are working to meet the needs of their communities to enhance safety, restoration and health.