Probation Search Yields Methamphetamine, Cocaine


From KGET and The Bakersfield Californian.

BAKERSFIELD, Calif. — November 5, 2024 — The Kern County Probation Department’s Mandatory Supervision Unit turned up suspected drugs, digital scales and drug paraphernalia during a home call Monday in Bakersfield, the department said Tuesday.

Officers who went to a home in the 3300 block of Monterey Street in Bakersfield found about 1.27 pounds of suspected methamphetamine and 2.6 grams of suspected cocaine, the probation department said in a news release.

Officers contacted Tina Wedgeworth, who they said is on active mandatory supervision and wanted for a felony warrant. Also contacted was Daniel Udall. Both were arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance, possession of a controlled substance for sales, and paraphernalia; Wedgeworth was also arrested for the warrant, the news release said.


Two people were arrested after probation officers found methamphetamine and cocaine during a search of an east Bakersfield home.

Read the full article here.