California’s Historic Juvenile Justice Evolution
Led by Chief Probation Officers, California has seen a historic shift in how we serve youth referred to our justice system.


California should be proud of the evolution and success in the juvenile justice over the last decade. Led by Chief Probation Officers, along with the state and community-based agencies, California has seen a historic shift in how we serve youth referred to our justice system. California has reduced usage of local detention facilities by 60% and successfully serves 90% of youth in the juvenile justice system within our communities. 

There has been a complete culture shift in California’s juvenile justice system and it has evolved to become more innovative and responsive. Probation is committed to working with youth and provides the needed services and programs in community settings. California’s juvenile felony arrest rate has declined by 73% since 2007. We strongly believe this decrease in crime is in part due to the investments made in intervention and prevention services by Probation, working within the communities we serve. 

Probation in California today is driven by a therapeutic and treatment focus that research shows helps youth and enhances public safety.

Most youth we serve have experienced significant trauma prior to coming into contact with probation. That is why probation ensures the programs and services we deliver to youth are evidenced-based and trauma-informed. We believe youth deserve it. Their families benefit from it. And the positive evolution of our juvenile justice system depends on it.

We should never stop investing in and improving our juvenile justice system to better serve youth and our communities. 

California is heading the right direction, and should focus on continuing that positive progress.